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Past Agenda
|«« «« .. 20 .. 40 .. »» »»|Date | Title | Contact |
Tu. 2011-06-07 (18:30) | social events: UGC BBQ [Details] | |
Tu. 2011-06-07 (14:00-18:00) | Group seminar: Presentations Polysulfides and Visit of Dr. Alexey Kamyshny | Britta Planer-Friedrich, Regina Lohmayer |
We. 2011-05-25 (08:00-10:00) | Group seminar: Bildung und Charakterisierung von Thioantimonaten | Britta Planer-Friedrich |
Mo. 2011-05-23 (16:30) | Group seminar: Promotionsverteidigung E. Suess | Elke Süß |
Mo. 2011-05-16 (14:00-16:00) | Group seminar: Zwischenergebnisse BSc Arbeit - Thioarsenat-Stabilisierung in Fe-haltigen Lösungen | Judith Forberg |
Fr. 2011-05-13 (08:00-10:00) | „Biotic vs. abiotic transformations of thioarsenic species in natural habitats and in lab experiments.“ | Cornelia Härtig |
Th. 2011-02-10 (16:15-17:45) | BayCEER Colloquium: Das geoökologische Projekt Donana-Nationalpark (Spanien) [Details] | |
Th. 2011-02-03 (16:15-17:45) | BayCEER Colloquium: On the rise (and the fall) of the ecosystem service concept [Details] | |
Fr. 2011-01-28 | Group seminar: DLLME | Sasan Rabieh |
Th. 2011-01-27 (16:15-17:45) | BayCEER Colloquium: Hydrological processes revealed by high-frequency chemical dynamics spanning the periodic table [Details] | |
Sa. 2011-01-22 | Group seminar: Master Theses Defenses | Regina Lohmayer, Sinikka Hinrichsen |
Fr. 2011-01-14 (10:15-12:00) | Group seminar: Determination of volatile arsenic | Mozhgan Bagheri Dermani |
Th. 2010-12-09 (16:15-17:45) | BayCEER Colloquium: Farbpräferenzen von blütenbesuchenden Bienen und Schwebfliegen [Details] | |
We. 2010-12-08 | social events: Übergabe der Zertifikate für Hochschullehre Bayern [Details] | Elke Süß |
Fr. 2010-12-03 (10:15-12:00) | Group seminar: Microbial transformation of thioarsenates | Cornelia Härtig |
We. 2010-12-01 | social events: Christmas Party 2010 [Details] | Maria Ullrich, Sebastian Schmitt |
Fr. 2010-11-26 (10:15-12:00) | Group seminar: As-Fe-S systems [Details] | Elke Süß |
Th. 2010-11-25 | social events: Akademische Jahresfeier 2010 [Details] | Britta Planer-Friedrich, Elke Süß |
Th. 2010-11-25 (15:45-17:00) | BayCEER Colloquium: Sulfate-reducing microorganisms in low-sulfate peatlands: overlooked key players in the interwined biogeochemical cycles of peat soils? [Details] | |
Fr. 2010-11-19 (10:15-12:00) | Group seminar: Sampling New Zealand [Details] | Nathaniel Wilson |