New instruments!
Philipp and José took a trip to the British American Tabaco to pick up some new (at least for us) instruments!Our new Gas Chromatograph with Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID, Agilent 7890B) will be used to determine carbon dioxide and methane emitted from soil meso- and microcosm experiments, as indicators of several bacterial processes and changes in redox conditions.
The new HPLC (Agilent, 260 Infinity II) with Diode Array Detector (DAD), will carry out separations and determinations of different species, like zerovalent sulfur extracted from soils and pore water. The DAD detector, compared to the UV-Vis detector we have in our old HPLC, will allow us to be more versatile with our detection wavelenghts.
Thanks to the British American Tabaco for the opportunity, to Ms. Jutta Eckert for the organization, to José and Philipp for picking the instruments, to Britta for letting them use her car (see picture below), and to Stefan and Carolin for clearing and organizing the space for the new instruments!